"Landep News"
Casey Anthony
Casey’s mother Cindy requested to see her in jail yesterday, only to be rejected by Casey again. Casey Anthony was acquitted on Tuesday for murder.
Apparently Cindy Anthony had a scheduled visit yesterday at 7 p.m. but was once again thwarted by her daughter. Allen Moore, prison spokesman, told Reuters that Casey was notified that her mother was coming to visit and she “declined the visit” therefore no visit has occurred.
This is the second request, made by her mother Cindy, which was denied. The first one was supposed to take place in May before Casey would stand trial.
With the exception of her lawyers, Casey didn’t have any other visitors since 2008 when her conversations in the jailhouse were made public.
Despite the fact that she has been acquitted for murder, manslaughter, and child abuse that may have caused the death of her little daughter, Casey Anthony was indeed found guilty for lying to the investigators on four separate counts.
She was sentenced to go to jail for 4 years but, because of the time already spent in jail and good behavior, she will be released on the fast approaching date for July 17. I wonder, isn’t she safer behind bars? According to the violent bursts from the protesters, while the trial took place on Thursday, Casey Anthony might be facing a “lynch mob” on the outside world. Do you think she deserves it?
Having an outraged and violent public waiting for the on the outside, Moore stated that she will be released via one secret exit, for her personal protection.
There were already several death threats headed for the Anthony family after the verdict, that forced George and Cindy Anthony to go into hiding. But why are the parents guilty?
It is not clear if Casey will head back home after her release, but considering the emotional damage and the nature of this case, it is highly unlikely for her to return home.
During the trial, the defense described the Anthony family as a dysfunctional one, and even launched a series of accusations at her father George for abusing Casey sexually.
Despite all these accusations, the family attorney Mark Lippman sais that her parents would still want their daughter home.
Moore also stated that since Casey was not sentenced to any form of probation, she will not be required a physical address of her house.
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