"Landep News"
Last week, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu toured Europe in order to convince the European members to vote against the Palestinian state’s proclamation.
The European Union officials affirm that they will attempt to convince Palestinians to return to negotiations with Israel. Palestinians, on the other hand, are confident that by September most of the EU members will vote in favor of their statehood.
Earlier this week, the four members of the Middle East Quartet, United Nations, United States of America, European Union, and the Russian Federation, failed to convince the two sides to agree on resuming direct talks, based on the principles laid down by US president Barack Obama according to which the negotiations should result in the recognition of the Palestinian state within the boundaries before 1967 and in the recognition by Palestinians of Israel as the Jewish state.
The failure of the Quartet was followed closely by a decision of the Arab League, by which the members agreed to demand full membership for the Palestinian state within the United Nations.
Israel’s strategy is so complex that even a term which seemed obsolete and out of use was revived to prevent the Palestinians from executing their plan.
Thus, the organizations that support Israel, non-governmental organizations, think-tanks, Jewish communities, and other forms of supporting it, bring into question the problem of “delegitimizing” Israel by the recognition of a Palestinian state.
People Supporting U.N. Resolution 3379
The Jewish ambassador to UN said about the resolution then that it was a form of bitter Arab anti-Semitism, while the American ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan said it “delegitimized” Israel.
In the famous speech on Middle East delivered in May, president Obama said that the action of the Palestinians to delegitimize Israel would end in failure.
Analysts consider that Israel cannot be delegitimized, since the state was recognized by the United Nations 63 years ago, and the Palestinians do not want a state on Israeli territory but alongside it.
It is considered that the idea of delegitimization is used to divert attention fro the blockade on Gaza and the occupation in West Bank, both causes to increasing disapproval among the international community and to the stalemate of the direct talks resumed for two sessions only last year.
When Yitzhak Rabin, experts consider, recognized the right of the Palestinians to have a state of their own, in 1995, the news was received by many Arab nations with hope, and they immediately opened embassies in Israel.
People Protesting against Israeli Occupation
The determination of the Palestinians to see their state realized is so big that earlier this year Hamas and Fatah signed a historical agreement to end conflict and work together towards establishing in the end a common leadership for Palestinians.
Last year, while negotiating with Israel, one of the most serious accusations against Mahmoud Abbas was that he was not speaking for all Palestinians, considering that Hamas was strongly opposing any reconciliation with Israel.
Now, by this accord, situation will change, and if the Americans or anyone else brings Palestinians to the negotiation table with Israel, the Jewish government will have to accept (or not) the fact that those who negotiate for Palestinians represent also the people in the Gaza Strip, ruled by the Hamas.
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