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Barrack Obama and his father
Barrack Obama senior, took into consideration adoption before Barrack Obama jr was born, according to some reports. This did not happen, but other two US presidents claim to be indeed adopted.
We could only wonder if Barrack Obama would have achieved the same things if his parents would have indeed placed him for adoption. His father apparently, took into consideration this decision before Barrack Obama was born. Obama Senior said that he discussed with US immigrations that he and his wife would come to an agreement and make certain arrangements with the Salvation Army so that they can give them the baby, according to certain documents that were obtained by a Boston Globe reporter. How would that affect Barrack Obama?
We cannot know for certain if Mr Obama actually intended to place their son up for adoption. He may have told the official that because he considered it was what the official wanted to hear. Yet it is still very interesting to ask how things would have turned up if Barrack Obama jr. were adopted. He surely would have been the same person, with the same characteristics and abilities, but without the warmth of his home and the education received from his parents, would have he accomplished as much?
Let’s not get the wrong idea here: it doesn’t mean that if you were not raised in your home by your birth parents, you aren’t destined to do great things. Consider that two US chief executives were adopted.
Gerald Ford is top on our list. His birth name is Leslie Lynch King Jr. and he was born in Omaha, Neb. But two weeks later, after his wife gave birth, Leslie King Sr. threw a fit and threatened his young wife Dorothy. Than she fled from him and relocated to Michigan. There she found a decent man by the name of Gerald Rudolf Ford. He married her and gave the baby his name.
Douglas Brinkley, the one that wrote a biography on President Ford, said that Mr Ford senior didn’t actually took out adoption papers. Isn’t that odd?
Another huge name on the list is Bill Clinton. His birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III and he was born in Hope Arkansas. Unfortunately his father passed away. His mother married a car dealer by the name of Roger Clinton. Bill assumed his father’s name, when he was 14 years old despite the fact that Roger Clinton turned out to be an alcoholic who abused Bill’s mom.
As a final conclusion, if you are destined to do great things, you will achieve them no matter where you come from.
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