"Landep News"
Tristane Banon
The famous process against former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Domenique Strauss-Kahn, is close to collapsing in the United States as the woman who accused him of sexual abuse was proven to have been working as a prostitute at the hotel, and to have committed various frauds since she arrived to the United States seven years ago.
If that happens, the question is what will happen to DSK’s political career? Will he be rehabilitated and return as a candidate for the elections next year? Socialist sources said it is hardly the case, given that even though the process against him is dropped, it will take time for the law to take effect and to make him free to resume his life. And the party cannot wait that long with a nomination for presidential election. Not to mention that there is no telling how the public will react to his nomination.
The resumption of normal functions seems even harder for the former head of IMF, since there a possibility that he may face another sex assault charge in France, as French writer Tristane Banon could file a complaint against him on Monday, for alleged attempted rape.
Banon’s mother, who is a Socialist politician, told the CNN in May that her daughter had been submitted to an assault by Domenique Strauss-Kahn in 2002, but that she discouraged her to go to the police at the time.
The mother was a member of the parliament and thought that if her daughter accused DSK, which is a Socialist leader, her political career would be prejudiced.
In the light of the charges brought against him in NYC, Banon’s lawyer is advising his client whether to prosecute him on what happened in 2002.
Banon’s mother says that in 2002, her daughter, an aspirant journalist at the time, had asked to interview DSK, and a meeting was set in his office at the National Assembly. DSK was a deputy at the time, and his Socialist party was in opposition.
DSK's Possible Sexual Scandal in France
The interview went well, but later DSK texted Banon to ask her to come to talk about it a little more. As she went to the address he gave her, he locked the door, and then grabbed her hand.
She asked him to let her go, and the conflict ended on the floor of the room. Banon managed to leave the apartment, locked her self in the car, called her mother, and waited for her to come pick her up.
When the mother arrived, she was still in the car, roughed up and with a heel of the shoe broken.
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