"Landep News"
AT&T the telco giant and the second-largest wireless provider from the US can now operate directly without intermediaries though still required to have 5% Indonesian shareholder.
The company operates in Indonesia under local operating company called PT AT&T Global Network Services Indonesia (AT&T Indonesia) has already obtained principle license to conduct their services in Indonesia from the Ministry of Communication and Information at the end of May 2011.
AT&T no longer need a middleman
The company prepared to launch a variety of business service products to the Indonesian market. Stuart Rivers, Director of Global Operations AT & T Asia Pacific says that the rate of economic growth in Indonesia is quite promising which is the main reason of AT&T ventured into the country.
The market AT&T target is multinational companies doing business in Indonesia. “There number is growing” Stuart said.
AT&T is the first international company to be granted this kind of license which does not require local partner to operate. The Licensing process took two years but was worth the wait as there are about 90 multinational companies already client of AT&T Indonesia.
Prior to the license, AT&T offers the virtual private network (VPN) and other data services through cooperation with the locally licensed Indonesian service providers. This new permit allows AT & T to provide services in Indonesia directly, improve customer satisfaction through contractual arrangements and billing easier, expand the service portfolio, and shorten development time for new products and services.
Stuart was reluctant to reveal the names of their clients. However he said that for sure, business data communications system shows a positive trend. They estimated that until 2015, this business will grow about 20 percent per year.
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