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Using a bigger fork when you eat can make you eat less
For those who want to eat less, using bigger forks might just as well do the trick. Still, that happens only if the plate you are eating from is loaded with food.
According to a new study, using a bigger fork when you eat could help you eat less. Researchers at University of Utah in Salt Lake City put their waiter clothes on and begun the study, which consisted of analyzing people during two meals and two dinners in a Italian restaurant, over a period of two days. The researchers gave people either a small fork or a large one and the fork assignments were rotated after every meal. Then, the researchers measured the amount of food they served the customers before getting them their food and after they finished eating, the plates were again scaled.
What the researchers found out was that people who used small forks to eat from a loaded plate ate more than people who used bigger forks. That is because, researches stated, people may think that if they have a smaller fork, they eat less and thus, they must eat more in order to satisfy their hunger. “The physiological feedback of feeling full or the satiation signal comes with a time lag,” explained the researchers involved in the study. “In its absence diners focus on the visual cue of whether they are making any dent on the food on their plate to assess goal progress.”
However, when it came to eating from smaller plates, the size of the fork did not mater for the consumers. That happened because while eating from a smaller plate, people can tell how much food they consumed and thus, they do not feel the need to overcompensate. When eating from a large plate, it is quite difficult to see how much progress has been made and people just keep on eating until the plate is almost (if not completely) empty. The researchers concluded by saying that given that people do not have internal cues on how much they are supposed to eat, they go on eating until they feel that the plate is empty enough.
The practice of eating with a larger fork seems to be very effective and it may be one of the solutions people should come to when they decide to lose some weight. Of course, eating with a bigger fork will not help anyone who is not willing to cut back on fatty foods or who do not engage in physical activities.
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