"Landep News"
Sir Paul Stephenson
Over the weekend, Rebekah Brooks, the editor of New of the World, was accused of being behind the scandal related by the hacking into Milly Dowler’s phone by illegally intercepting communications and organizing improper payment to some police officers.
She was released on bail late on Sunday, after she appeared before London police where she denied any implication in the scandal.
UK leading police officer, Sir Paul Stephenson, was forced to resign on Sunday under the pressure of the scandal, and accused Cameron that he made the same mistake as he did, by hiring a former News of the World editor.
Police Investigates Milly Dowler's Case
The former commissioner said he had no knowledge of the scope of this “disgraceful practice.”
Police consultant Neil Wallis was also arrested last week, in relation to these accusations.
Stephenson emphasized he resigned because of the decision to hire Wallis, and alluded to the fact that the prime minister of the country hired Andy Coulson, former NoW editor, as public relations advisor.
He alleged that the PM’s adviser was linked somehow to the accusations of phone hacking, which was not the case, he added in his defense, of Neil Wallis.
Cameron replied that he hired the former editor, who resigned from NoW over the phone interception scandal, because he thought the man deserved a second chance. Coulson was arrested in connection with the scandal of phone hacking on July 8.
Speaking at a trade reunion in South Africa, David Cameron said the investigation should go on regardless of where it is heading, and that the police should act “without fear or favor.”
Labor Party’s leaders took the opportunity to score some points over the connection Stephenson made between the PM and the most famous scandal in the United Kingdom these days.
The entire scandal broke out as it was made public that the editors at The News of the World hacked into the phone mailbox and deleted messages in order to keep it from filling up.
They were accused that by doing so they gave the family false hopes, in addition to the crime of violating the intimacy of the person who was the holder of the phone and illegally intercepting communications. Milly Dowler was found dead a few months later.
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