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Self esteem is a very important thing in our life and it seems that it does not account on whether we are male or female
Being a teenager is probably the worst thing nowadays, given all the peer pressure. That statement is true for both boys and girls when it comes to self-esteem issues.
According to a new study, both males and females have similar self-esteem levels during teenage years and adulthood. The same pattern functions for both women and men and it seems that the self-esteem increases during adolescence and then gradually decreases while people reach young adulthood. The researchers involved in the study also discovered that among the people who participated in the study, Hispanics had lower self-esteem levels than African-Americans and non-Hispanic white people, but that tended to change once they turned 30.
A group of researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland analyzed data coming from the Young Adults section of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, a study which dates back to the year 1979 and which includes data about blacks and Hispanics. 7,100 individuals with ages ranging from 14 to 30 were included in this new study and among them, 49 percent were females. The participants were assessed every two years during a time span of 14 years, from 1994 to 2008. What the researchers did was to test how the 5 types of personalities affected these people’s self-esteem and they also analyzed data regarding how these people lived their life, their gender, their ethnicity, income and health status. “We tested for factors that we thought would have an impact on how self-esteem develops,” Ruth Yasemin Erol, MSc, said. “Understanding the trajectory of self-esteem is important to pinpointing and timing interventions that could improve people’s self-esteem.”
The finding regarding the black people’s self-esteem being higher in both adolescence and early adulthood comes to support previous research. The ethnic difference accounted for most of the differences between the levels of self-esteem people had. According to the researchers the most important things that influence the self-esteem levels are represented by the emotional stability, the extraversion and the conscientiousness. The results showed that there was no difference between the levels of self-esteem of females and males and that is very important, given that people tend to think that males in adolescence or young adulthood tend to have higher self-esteem levels in comparison to women. This idea is wrong and can compromise these people’s life. According to the researchers, the study shows clearly that ethnicity clearly accounts for the most differences between the levels of self-esteem among people.
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