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Irony to Pope's Visit To the UK
The Roman Church has placed its reputation in danger in Ireland, one of the most devout Catholic countries, after a scandal broke out related to the way Vatican refused to cooperate with the authorities, and even covered up for the priests, so that they may not be held accountable to the Irish law for the sexual abuse on children.
In the United States there have been similar scandals over the decades, and now the Center for Constitutional Rights and Survivor Network of Those Abused by Priests, both organizations based in New York City, filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court accusing Vatican’s officials of having committed crimes against humanity by tolerating and making possible the sexual abuses on the children.
This is the most impressive legal actions of organizations that have been fighting against pedophile priests through regular legal channels. They wanted to implicate Vatican, considering that the priests in question were protected at the highest level, being impunible to the national laws in the states where they were accused of such crimes.
In the complaint formulated on Tuesday, the rights group tell ICC that the abuse against children perpetrated by Catholic priests is “systematic and widespread.”
They said that “tens of thousands” of victims were subjected to abuses by the Catholic priests, and those abuses have been systematically covered up by the Vatican. They add ironically that in this case “all roads lead to Rome.”
Vatican did not make any comment about the legal action against it, while the ICC said that the court would analyze the complaint and make a decision in due course.
It is considered that this action is more of a way to keep the scandal into the public arena and expose the Vatican leaders to the world, labeling them as “criminals” at the same time.
If the case were taken up by the ICC, pope Benedict XVI, whom these organizations already call “Pedo Pope,” a label that is likely to place his entire pontificate under this scurge, would share the same dock with world criminals like Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Omar al-Bashir, Muammar al-Qaddafi, probably Bashar al-Assad, and others.
The mere association of the Vatican with these planetary wrongdoers would be a victory for the organizations that fight against the sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests.
As for the legal action per se, the chances of seeing the pope on the dock are slim because it will be very difficult to show the ICC that the Roman Catholic Church is an organization with the purpose of committing crimes against humanity.
If that were to proved, unimaginable as it sounds, such an argument would lead to the annihilation of the Western Latin Christianity, and the victory of those who hate the church, others than the parents of the abused children, would make Luther’s own victory over the papacy to look like a bitter defeat.
Catholic Priest Presented with Two Children
If such a ruling were to be passed, what would keep the European law-makers from stamping the Roman Catholic Church with the stamp the Roman emperors put on it two millenia ago: Non licet esse vos, “You are not allowed to exist”?
Another reason why the pope will not be tried as a criminal against humanity is that there is no way one can prove that the priests who abused children acted in a coordinated fashion. In other words the conspiracy is lacking.
It is true that the priests acted in a coordinate fashion in as much as they were sharing the same disgusting sin of lechery, of formication, but that would point beyond their persons and beyond Vatican itself to the father of this abominable sin, the devil, the source of all evil.
Now, bringing the devil on the dock would be an enterprise worth exploring to the ultimate consequences. Unfortunately, this is not possible either, since the modern world has decided that the devil does not exist, and that he is only a figment of less educated people’s imagination. ICC cannot waste taxpayers’ money on prosecuting someone who doesn’t even exist.
A legal reason why ICC may spare the pope the indignity of being prosecuted in stead of his wicked servants is that many of the crimes presented as evidence in a possible trial date before 2002, when ICC was established, thereby being outside court’s remit.
Last but not least, the Vatican is not among the countries that signed for the establishment of the ICC, and its decisions are not binding for the citizens of the State of Vatican. The argument is the least solid, because the countries where the crimes were committed did sign for the ICC, and their citizens can enjoy its protection.
More than that, Benedict XVI is the pope that comes from Germany and retains his German citizenship, which makes him subject to ICC.
The complaint the rights organizations have filed on Tuesday contains 20,000 pages of police evidence, reports of abuses, evidence of crimes committed by the papal clergy. The papers are gathered from Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, USA and other countries where such crimes were committed.
Church Scandal
The ICC is to analyze such a complaint and allow, or not, the prosecutor to make investigations. Its regulations state that ICC is a last resort court, and complaints can be filed with it only when the national proceedings have been exhausted or have never taken place.
The question that underlies these proceedings is how did the Roman Catholic Church came to this situation? What is the deep reason beneath these thousands of pages incriminating the Catholic priests?
The problem lies with the Roman Catholic discipline of priestly celibacy, which creates, in an age of pan-sexualism, and pan-pornography, the monsters that some of the Roman Catholic priests have become.
The problem of priestly celibacy arose in the history of the early Church as the ascetic movement became more and more important, and the voices of the monks and hermits became louder in the doctrine field.
Even though Jesus himself was not a married man, he never said that marriage was bad or that it was incompatible to the work of the church. The prove of that is that he chose as apostles men who were married: There is a miracle Jesus performed on Peter’s mother-in-law, and then Paul the Apostle complains that he is required to live alone while the other apostles were allowed to have “believing wife:” “Don’t we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers and Cephas?” (1 Cor. 9:5)
In his First Letter to Timothy, Paul lays down the discipline of the clergy as follows: the (overseer) bishop, the elder (priest) and the deacon are to be “the husband of but one wife” (1 Tim. 3:2).
This commandment was followed closely by the church for centuries, allowing bishops, priests and deacons to be either married or not married. Hilary of Poitiers, Pope Damasus’s father, Pope Hormisdas, Gregory of Nyssa were married bishops and doctors of the church.
There was no problem in that era, especially after the Church was victor over the heresy that was saying that marriage and sexual relations are stained. Church’s doctrine clearly states that salvation is possible for both married or unmarried people as long as they follow the teaching of the church.
During the first council of Nicaea the thought was advanced that the bishops, priests and deacons who are married should not continue to have sexual intercourse with their wives after the ordination. The idea was rebuked by the wise Paphnutius, an hermit that said that marriage was honorable and chaste and did not go against priesthood.
However, in the centuries to come some considered it an ideal of priesthood to live in continence as priests, a rule that was grounded in no Scriptural text and was not applied in all parts of the empire.
In the 7th century, the Council Quinisext, held in Constantinople in 692, shows that at his time there was a clear discrepancy between East and West as to the marriage of the clergy.
In the West seems to have won the idea that marriage was incompatible to the priesthood itself, an idea with no ground in both Scriptures and the tradition of the Church. Theological interpretations like the one of Epiphanius of Salamina who said that the church admits that the bishop, priest or deacon be husband of one women only if he is an abstinent one, were never embraced by the Church, remaining only a personal opinion of the saint in question.
By its 13th canon, Quinisext decides that the priest should marry before they become priests or deacons, because the sacrament of ordination is more sacred that the one of matrimony, therefore must be applied after the matrimony.
People Protesting Sexual Abuse of the Priests
The only rank that was required to observe total celibacy was the one of bishops. No one could become bishop anymore unless they were not married. The canon explained the necessity of this requirement based on administrative grounds, not on the purity or the impurity of marriage. It was said that the bishop must dedicate all his energy to the community he presides, and thus should be exempted from the worries of the matrimony.
These orders were kept in the Eastern Orthodox Church to the day. The church in the East respects even the right of the person who wants to become a priest without marriage and without the obligation to become monk. He vows never to marry and can be ordained as priest.
In the West, the clergy was forbidden to marry or even to live in continence with a woman by the canons 3 and 21 of First Lateran Council in 1123. By the time of the Protestant Reformation it was clear that only the man who has never been married is allowed to become a priest.
There is a strong movement now within the Roman Catholic Church in favor of allowing the married men to become priests. In July 2011, a group of 300 priests in Austria have issued a “Call for Disobedience,” whose seventh article reads: “to use every opportunity to speak out openly in favor of the admission of the married and the women to the priesthood.”
The article is considered a desperate measure at desperate times, an answer to the lack of calling to priesthood the Western Christianity goes through.
The pope had another answer for it: he restated the priestly celibacy and reminded the priests that the servant of God is no ordinary man, and should distinguish himself as such.
Celibacy is definitely the main cause of sexual abuses of all kinds when it comes to Roman Catholic priests. But it is not the only reason. Lack of faith, personal interpretation of the church morals, the influence of the brutal sexual propaganda, and let’s not forget the demonical action on these people who are tempted to one of the worst sins possible, one that can stain the face of the Western Church for centuries to come. All these are reasons for the priests of Vatican to intensify prayer and the amends to the people they have prejudiced, before they turn their Church into a terror organization worth investigating by the ICC
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