"Landep News"
There are many people out there who would get a nose job just for the sake of aesthetics
While there are a lot of people who seek to undergo a rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, usually have a serious reason, like suffering from a condition or something of the sort, there are also many others who only look to get their nose done because they worry too much about their appearance.
A group of Belgian researchers analyzed data coming from 226 patients, aged 16 or older, which went to their clinic in order to get a nose job. Out of these people, most of them were looking to get a rhinoplasty only for aesthetic reason, while the others were looking to get the surgery to help them breathe better, for instance. However, the researchers found out that only 2 percent of the people who went to their clinic to get their nose job met the formal diagnostic criteria for body dimorphic disorder, a condition where a person has a problem with a defect in physical appearance which can lead to serious troubles and distress.
Still, the researchers also discovered that about 33 percent of the people involved in the study also showed signs of this condition; only their symptoms were milder than and not as worrying as it was for the other 2 percent. The study was not made in order to suggest that people who seek to get a nose job are mentally ill, but rather it was made to measure symptom severity and people who looked to get a nose job scored really high. Furthermore, it seems that those who wanted to get a nose job for pure aesthetic reasons scored higher at the test in comparison to those people who wanted a rhinoplasty for health reasons. While they represented 12 percent of the group, the people looking for a nose job for aesthetic reasons made up 43 of the patients. No significant correlation between age, sex, ethnicity, marital status or other such things was discovered. However, patients who had stronger symptoms of the condition had a poorer life condition, problems regarding personal relations and a very low self-esteem.
Whatever the study may have discovered, it still has not responded to the eternal question: “does a nose job really help people put their anxieties at a rest or is it just for pleasure?”
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