"Landep News"
Tata Dado, Indonesian multi talented artist who famous for playing transvestite on national TV was rushed to hospital after collapsing due to high blood pressure rises to more than 200 and blood sugar level to 300 per 30. Tuesday until now Tata is still unconscious though his fingers show some involuntary movement.
“Admitted (to the hospital) on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 night, Tata did have diabetes. That night, he says that (his body) is not feeling so good. Soon afterward, his body becomes numb, then he fainted,” said Soraya Dado, Tata older sister when met at the Mitra Keluarga Hospital in Bekasi Timur, Thursday (14/07/2011).
Tata Dado in one of his acts
Although his doctor has told him that he suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, but the comedian Tata Dado continue consuming sugary and high cholesterol food. According to Soraya, Tata insisted on eating those foods even though been repeatedly warned.
“His likes eating good food, even ducks. No one can stop him from eating sweet cakes. I’ve told him many times but he would not listen. Keeps drinking juices, sodas” she explained.
Tata did managed to watch his food and exercise after being told that he suffers from diabetes 3 years ago, but Tata is still not 100 percent healthy. And what is feared by his sister was now proven to be true. Tata had to be rushed to the hospital because of his high sugar and blood pressure. Some even feared that he might get a stroke.
“Until now, doctors have not said there is no stroke, only high blood pressure which is now getting lower and lower. He is getting iv (intravenous therapy) now” Soraya said.
“Lets we all pray that he gets well soon” added Soraya
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