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Eating the same food, for instance mac and cheese, for a long period of time can help people lose the extra weight
According to a new study, eating the same food day after day may make you eat less. Given that people often get bored with what they eat, they can lose some considerable weight by eating the same food every day, as their appetite will decrease and thus, they will eat less. The study involved a group of women who had to eat macaroni and cheese every day, for about a week and it seems that they were taking 100 less calories per day in comparison to their normal caloric intake. The study “provides a very interesting new piece to the obesity puzzle by suggesting that meal monotony may actually lead to reduced calorie consumption,” said Shelley McGuire from the Washington State University.
According to the researchers involved in the study, it seems that the same way drug addicts develop a need to increase their dose, in order to feel the same high as their first one, so it happens to us, we get accustomed to the things we eat really often and we end up eating less, especially because we do not crave for the food anymore. In what concerns the study, there were 32 women who participated in it and they all had to take part into a half an hour long session during which they had to complete a computer task and as a reward, they were all given macaroni and cheese each time the task was completed. Each woman had to complete the task 5 times, but there were some who took the tasks once every day and other who took the task once every week.
The results of the study have shown that the women who had eaten mac and cheese every day for five days in a row got to have a lower caloric intake in comparison to women who only ate mac and cheese once a week. This points towards the fact that once we get accustomed with the food we eat, we also get bored with it and we eat less and less. Furthermore, in what concerns obese people, the study suggests that they do not take another amount of time to get habituated to the foods they are eating, thus this trick may also work for them, too. The researchers concluded by saying that reducing the variety of foods we eat may help us lose the extra weight, thus becoming healthier and having lower risks of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases.
Moreover, especially because previous studies have shown that a variety of foods is linked somehow to a greater body weight and poorer choices of foods, the researchers said that people who have weight problems should try experiment and see how soon they get habituated with the foods they are eating and whether that has an effect on them or not. The researchers also stated that habituation relies greatly on a person’s ability to remember things and the more able one person is to recall what they have eaten, the faster they can get habituated with the food and the faster they could lose the extra weight, without having to go through rough periods without food or other such things.
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