"Landep News"
DSK is close to winning
Investigators are certain that there was indeed a sexual encounter between the maid and ex IMF director, but they were unable to find any substantial evidence that would lead to premeditated blackmail sais John Solomon.
There was a considerable amount of time spent finding a possible extortion plot, but the investigators were unable to find any substantial proof that would lead to such a plot.
Truth be told, investigators considered the possibility of extortion long before the rumors were launched regarding the maid, which was many time called a “gold digger” who could have staged the entire meeting.
Despite the fact that the investigators stumbled upon a series of unknown phones linked to the victim, as well as several transactions that were very suspicious, yet no traces could be found that might suggest premeditated extortion. This information was given by sources that desired to remain anonymous.
Investigators drew a series of ideas to begin with. One of the ideas was constructed on the situation when a wealthy defendant has is accused of a crime of any sort. Did the defendant actually commit a crime? Was there a money transaction between the defendant and the “victim”? Was there someone else that staged the entire event? These are only some of the questions, the investigators tried to answer according to another source.
Prosecutors also heard the testimonies from several colleagues of the maid, which state that their colleague (the maid) was perfectly sure that DSK was already gone when she came in to clean the room, therefore the suggestion of premeditation is deeply affected.
Yet still, prosecutors are in doubt when it comes to the validity of the maid’s claims. Especially since recently it has been discovered that some of those claims were actually false, such as the so called rape in Guinea. Another chip in the already shattered armor appeared when she apparently falsified important information on an application for asylum. Can they still believe her after that?
The prosecution team admits that even a terrible witness can be considered a victim, but they have the difficult task of deciding whether the maid is someone they can place “on the stand and trust” sais one of the sources in close contact with the case.
Because of the many shifts in the maid’s story, the situation is slowly changing.
There is unquestionable evidence that leads to a sexual contact, but it is slowly turning into a game of “he said she said”.
Recently, the relationship between the maid and the prosecution has taken a turn for the worse. Kenneth Thompson, the maid’s lawyer as accused the district attorney of being afraid of launching a pursuit against DSK. Who do you think will win? And more importantly, who do you think is right?
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