"Landep News"
It is believed that thanks to the right-handedness the human language was developed. David Frayer, of the University of Kansas, the main researcher of the study said that the reason why most of the people are right-handed is because the left portion of the brain controls the right part of the body. In the same time, language is processed by the left side of the body too. He said that the news is important because it means that they had the brain in the exact same manner as we do, and they had language capabilities as well. Previous studies on ancient humans have been conducted before, and they have indicated that the majority of them created tools for a certain hand, in the majority of the cases the preferred hand being the right one. The scientists analyzed the teeth of the ancient humans in order to find out if they preferred to use a certain hand.
They used their teeth when they processed the animal hides. They held one of the ends with one hand and the other end with the teeth. The teeth which held the hides were usually more affected than the ones from the other side, and this is how the researchers could identify the preferred hand of the individuals they discovered. Frayer said that the majority of the fossils which they discovered indicated signs of right-hand dominance, similar to the current situation. The researchers discovered that in the majority of the cases there were scratches from the upper-left side of the tooth to the lower-right side. In the case of the left-handed people, the scratches were done in the opposite manner. It seems that we the humans are the only ones to prefer to use the right hand. No other animal does it, not even the most intelligent primates.
We have brain asymmetry, which means that one side of the brain performs certain tasks which the other side of the brain doesn’t. We are different than the other animals when it comes to communicating, as well. We are the only beings which display such advanced speaking capabilities. It is unknown when our ancestors started speaking, when the language was developed. However, it is believed that we would have not been able to talk without the brain lateralization. Dean Falk, a researcher at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, said that the discovery is very important because it proves that language existed for more than 500,000 years.
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