"Landep News"
Berlin tourism in the first half of 2011 yields positive results
In the words of Klaus Wowereit, Berlin’s current Governing Mayor: “More than 4.5 million guests and more than 10 million room nights during the first half year 2011 prove the unbroken attractiveness of Berlin as a destination and bear witness to the cosmopolitanism of the German capital. I am particularly pleased that Berlin not only maintained the high visitor numbers but even exceeded them again.”
The main increases had to do, more particularly, with guests coming from abroad. During the first six months of 2011, a total of 1,615,957 international visitors travelled to the city on the River Spree. This figure represents a growth of roughly 11.1%. Foreign visitors spent a total of 4,122,930 nights in the city (a 9.7% increase from 2010). The countries from where most visitors who arrived in Berlin came from are Russia (a 36% increase), Poland (a 26% increase), the United Kingdom (a11.6% increase) and Spain (a 10.3% increase).
“The magnetic power of attraction of Berlin continues,” happily declared BurkhardKieker , the CEO of visitBerlin. “And for the first time with more than 120,000 hotel beds, the capital city is well prepared for a further increase in visitor numbers,” he added.
During the month of June 2011, 908,424 guests came to Berlin, representing a 6.2% increase. Room nights went up by 5.6% to a total of 2,074,566 room nights in hotels in Berlin. Altogether, 122,735 beds were made available to people on a trip to Berlin, of which 776 were offered by accommodation providers. If you are looking to travel to Berlin, we recommend to book your accommodation much in advance to find more attractive deals.
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