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Nuclear North Korea
Though the American part does not discard the proposition made by the North Korean leader, they say it is not enough to make the six-party talks commence and to make sure that they would be successful.
Russian officials said that Kim Jong-il manifested his availability to return to talks and said his country would be ready to resolve the moratorium on weapon production and nuclear tests. The United States had advanced the idea that this moratorium was a precondition of the resumption of these negotiations.
The US State Department’s spokeswoman said about the results of negotiations in Siberia that though the idea of the moratorium is promising, Kim never mentioned anything about his country’s uranium enrichment program.
The spokeswoman reminded that last November North Korea disclosed the existence of an uranium enrichment facility, and that holding such a facility was a violation of UN Security Council’s Resolutions 1718 and 1874, not to mention the commitment made by North Korea in 2005.
In 2005 North Korea had agreed to renounce its nuclear testing and the small nuclear arsenal in exchange for diplomatic and especially financial benefit. The proposition never came to pass because the six-party talks were stalled until 2008, when they were interrupted without major accomplishments.
Kim Meets Medvedev
South Korean press also expressed concerns that the problem of uranium enrichment facilities has not been approached, which makes the talks to have fell short of expectation.
Last month the North Korean foreign minister met with the American envoy for Korean Peninsula and told him that North Korea would appreciate the discussion of a peace treaty between the United States and North Korea before the denuclearization is being discussed.
North Korea considers that it is still formally in a state of war with the United States, and that all nuclear talks should follow that peace treaty.
The six-party talks format is composed of the two Koreas, Russia, United States, Japan and China. One of the commissions is working on drafting a peace treaty between the two states that fought a war in the 1950s, which resulted in the split of the Korean state in half.
Ever since the South Korean state has been making progresses toward reunification. A ministry has been created to this purpose and even a tax was proposed to South Korean people to ease the process, when the political and military matters are out of the way.
Relations between North and South Korea have improved after the sinking of a South Korean ship and the shelling of one of its islands last year, incidents that claim the lives of at least 40 South Korean people.
The North Korean state is going through a severe food shortage, due to the collapse of the economy, and that explains the availability of the leadership to trade. The meeting with the Russian president was prefaced by a delivery of grain and by a promise that Russia would
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