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Relatives Mourn Attack Victims
The Norwegian Intelligence Service had determined last week that Breivik was some sort of a “lonely wolf” who had no help in orchestrating the crimes that shook up the entire democratic world and claimed the lives of almost 80 people.
If what the intelligence service is true, than Breivik has nothing to tell the authorities, and his list of demands is nothing but a public act that would help him support the claim of insanity, which would spare him the two decades behind bars he would have to execute if found guilty.
The lawyer told the press that his client, which was reported confined in solitary, made two lists of demands, one which is customary for all inmates, consisting in requesting cigarettes and clothing, and a second one, consisting in demands such as the resignation of the Norwegian government and that his mental condition be examined by Japanese specialists.
The lawyer drew the very convenient conclusion that his client was very far away from reality and that he had no understanding of how the society works.
Previously, Breivik admitted to be checked by Norwegian specialists, but demanded that Japanese specialists pass an opinion too, given that the Japanese understand the concept of honor, and that they would understand his actions better than any other European could.
In addition to that, he asked in his list of demands that the European society undergo a complete political reform, and that he be ascribed a crucial role in this reform.
The “reform” Breivik has in mind and spoke to the interrogators about includes the abdication of the king of Norway, and Breivik’s appointment to the rank of Norwegian army chief of staff.
The lawyer says that his plan includes a reconstruction of both European and Norwegian societies on grounds dictated by the “war on Islamization.”
Breivik's Arrest
He refused to comment any further on the subject unless his “demands” were met. Police is currently searching for information that would connect him with people who could have helped or influenced him.
The plea of insanity does not hold water, doctor Tarjei Rygnestad, the head of the Norway’s Board on Forensics Medicine, believes. The expert assumes that the attacks were so carefully planned and executed that the temporary insanity cannot possibly be invoked in this situation.
True phychotics, the doctor says, can perform only small and simple tasks, whereas Breivik planned and executed an attack which is hard to do for many people, even if they work in groups.
The report on his mental condition will be made public on November 1, when it will be decided if he is fit to be judged for terrorist activity.
Latest reports say that Breivik had a facelift to make him “look more Aryan,” and that, according to some people who quote him, he had admitted he had operated his nose and chins to fit the Aryan profile probably drafted by the Nazi literature.
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