"Landep News"
Bhutanese King Marries a Commoner
The people from the communities surrounding the most sacred monastery fortress in the country attended the wedding reception in a fairground, where dances have been performed in his honor.
King Jigme, who took the crown five years ago, after his father stepped down and handed power over to him, is known as a very accessible leader and is reported by the online Fox News to have responded to a female reporter who had asked him what was it like to be married that it was great, after asking her whether she was married and received a negative response.
The celebration date was established by the king’s astrologers to 8:20 am, and at that time the king appeared wearing a yellow royal sash over a golden robe with red flowers and multicolored boots. A few minutes after his 21-year bride made her appearance and the top cleric of the country performed a purification ritual in front of the portrait of the founder of the little kingdom, the 17th century monk-king Zhabdrung.
The king’s father gave her five colored scarves as a symbol of blessing, and she took a golden chalice filled with the ambrosia of the eternal life to the royal throne, where she held it with the king.
Bhutanese King Marries a Commoner
The king announced that he would take only one wife, unlike his father who took five, which means that the 700,000-people nation is unlikely to see such a ceremony during his reign.
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