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Whenever in pain, instead of curling up a ball, try standing up straight - it would do you more good than you think
A new study suggests that adopting a poor structure increases our sensitivity to pain greatly. Likewise, adopting a dominant posture decreases our sensitivity to pain, according to Scott Wiltermuth, Ph.D., and Vanessa K. Bohns, both from the University of Toronto. The results of the study seem to suggest that adopting more dominant postures increases our power, thus making us feel more in control and making us able to support pain easily.
Out of all the participants in the study, those people who adopted a more dominant posture were more able to feel more comfortable about themselves, more powerful and they were also able to handle pain more easily than people who adopted a more submissive pose. Furthermore, the study also contributed to previous studies regarding the issue of how someone’s posture can change our own. Studying this, Wiltermuth and Bohns found that those people who adopted a more submissive pose being intimidated by someone with a more dominant pose had greater chances of an increased sensitivity to pain.
What is most interesting about the study is the fact that when people are in pain, they should not curl up in a ball, but rather sit up straight. According to the finding of the study leg by Wiltermuth and Bohns, it seems that standing straight up every time you feel pain, might make it better than you think. According to the two researchers, curling up in a ball makes people feel less protected, more open to pain and thus, the sensitivity they have towards it gets bigger. On the other hand, if people stay straight, adopting a more dominant pose, they can feel more in control and they can cope better with the pain, they can support it better.
Previous research made on the issue showed that adopting a more dominant position increases the levels of testosterone. Testosterone is associated with increased pain tolerance and decreased cortisol, making the experience less painful. What the researchers also discovered was that stress can also be relieved by adopting a more dominant, straight-up pose. As a conclusion to their study, the two researchers gave an advice to caregivers who should not make the people they are taking care of curl up in a ball every time they feel pain. Instead, they should teach them how to sit up straight, in order to decrease their sensitivity to pain and to cope better with the most painful situations. For that, caregivers are the ones who should take a more submissive pose, thus surrendering control to those people who are in pain and make them feel more powerful, giving them the chance to decrease their pain sensitivity.
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