"Landep News"
Although prolonged use of cell phones has been said to be the cause of benign brain tumors, a new study shows that cell phones are not that threatening
For a long time it was thought that using the cell phone for long periods of time increases the risk of benign brain tumors.
A new research, however, comes to deny this statement according to which cell phones may bear the fault of such things. This new Danish study found that people who used cell phones for more than 11 years had the same chances of developing these brain tumors, called vestibular schwannomas, as had people who used cell phones only for short period of times or not at all. The study which was based on data provided by 2.9 million Dates comes to contradict previous studies made on the issue.
Furthermore, the researchers also stated that no link was found between long-term cell phone use and the development of these benign tumors of the right side of the brain, the side where people are supposed to use their phone on. Moreover, they also stated that vestibular schwannomas have their origins in the part of the brain which is responsible for collecting most of the energy from magnetic fields. Previous studies have shown that these tumors had some sort of a link with long-term cell phone use.
The study was made in an attempt to analyze the issue of potential health risks of cell phones. Back in May, the World Health Organization panel classified cell phones as being carcinogen, citing those particular studies which had shown that there was a link between phone use and brain tumors. However, no such thing has been proven, according to the researchers involved in this last study made on the issue. What is more is that these researchers are actually gathering some good and trustworthy evidence that this thing is not even possible – that cell phones pose such a high risk to people who use them.
This Danish study is the biggest ever made on the issue of cell phones and the risk they pose to people who use them. Given that the national database available in Denmark was so huge, the researchers could seriously able to link some of the brain tumors to cell phone use. However, it was only about the time people had a cell phone subscription, not about how often people used their phone. Furthermore, these benign tumors grow very slowly and they may appear even after 11 years. Still, further research must be made on the issue in order to determine exactly whether long-term use of cell phones can pose any risk to people. Up until now, they do not seem to be so threatening and the Danish researchers are still gathering evidence to prove that right.
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