Freedom for Syria

"Landep News"
Arab League To Decide Whether It Pulls Out Observers from Syria
Freedom for Syria
The Arab League on Tuesday called for an emergency meeting on Syria where it will be decided whether the observers continue their mission in the restive country, provided that the killings have continued even while they were there. The meeting is expected to take place on Saturday in Cairo, the deputy secretary general said, and will take into account reports of the mission in Syria which state that since the observers arrived in the country hundreds of Syrian civilians have been slain.
On Monday, the head of the Arab League, Nabil el-Araby, said that the presence of the 100 AL observers did not stop the governmental troops from continuing their crackdown.
The mission of the Arab League is intended to see if the regime in Damascus is complying with the demand to stop the killing of the people, and for that purpose they have visited the most important hotbeds of the revolution: Homs, Daraa and Hama.
Since the mission arrived to Syria the activists have expressed their doubt that it would uncover the truth about what was going on in their country. The first thing the activists had to complain about was the composition of the mission and the fact that it was led by a Sudanese general, who comes from a country whose president is under an international arrest warrant for genocide, and who is accused himself of having at least knowing of, if not partaking in, the killings in the Darfur province in Sudan.
Then, the activists were dissatisfied with the fact that the mission members were visiting sites the government wanted to show them. The authorities took them in the quiet neighborhoods of the cities, trying to make the point that Syria is a peaceful place disturbed only by gangs of thugs, as the president has continuously called them since the unrest started 10 months ago.
Activists believe that the regime is accepting the mission so that they may return and say that there was nothing wrong with Syria. Those are the reasons why some activists refused to cooperate with the AL delegation.
Unrest in Syria began 10 months ago and it is believed that some 5,000 people have been killed since then.
After a very long delay, the international community decided to get involved in the solving of this crisis. In October, the UN Security Council attempted to pass a resolution condemning the atrocities committed by Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
Russia and China opposed on that instance, arguing that imposing sanctions on Syria would lead to a Libyan scenario, where the regime was removed by civil war. China said that interference with other country’s internal business was unacceptable.
In December however the tide seemed to change, as Russia itself proposed a resolution draft by which the crackdown on people in Syria was condemned. The resolution passed and the United Nations passed the responsibility of bringing some closure to the Syrian business, given that in the meantime the Arab League suspended Assad’s regime, after a series of ultimata Assad chose to disregard.
The Syrian president threatened that any intervention in his country would have the effect of a political earthquake.
By late November the UN already warned that the number of defections from the Syrian military had increased to the point where a civil war could be taken into account, provided that the defectors joined the people who were protesting.
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