"Landep News"
Anders Behring Breivik
Cutting him off from making statements that were irrelevant to the court and the case, the judge decided to admit the police’s request to keep him in custody for eight more weeks, while a formal indictment is being prepared.
Four of these eight weeks he is expected to stay in solitary confinement. Since the killing spree on Utoya island, Breivik appeared three times before the court.Judge Anne Margrethe Lund said that during the trial he wanted to address the court but that what he said was not relevant for the case, so she had to stop him on few occasions. The lawyer who defends Breivick admitted that his client wanted to address the court but refused to give details about what he was going to say.
In light of this new court order, the Norwegian police can keep him in solitary for another four weeks, that is until October 17, after which time the order must be renewed.
At first, the district court ordered an open hearing of his case, but the order was overruled by another court as the police appealed. Thus, the hearing on Monday was a closed one, with the survivors, 600 of them, being represented by their lawyers.
Police need to keep him in custody so that they may establish without any doubt that he was not temporarily insane when he did what he did, and to assess whether he consorted with someone else to produce this series of killings.
Preliminary reports of the police showed that the meticulous way he planned and single-handedly executed these killings shows him in perfect mental capacity to coordinate and carry out an attack.
Breivik requested at some stages of the incarceration that Japanese phychiatrists be brought in, provided that they would be capable, in his opinion, to understand his reasons, being a nation that appreciates honor above all.
He also made a list of demands intended, in the opinion of experts, to make him look insane, or at least to help his insanity plea. Among them was a request for the king of Norway to abdicate his throne and appoint him as the chief of the Norwegian army, in which capacity he wanted to start the crusade against Muslims all over Europe.
Police want to know if he was connected somehow to other terrorist cells. Though they were able to link him to a far-right group called “the Templar Knigths,” with headquarters in London, they were not able to say if anyone in that organization helped him in anyway.
Since even his Freemason lodge expelled him after the killing spree, stating in a press release that they had nothing to do with such devious acts, police had to conclude that the man was a lonely wolf acting on his own.
The key to his success was not necessarily the military genius displayed but merely the fact that he acted in a country where security measures did not use to be so tight, given that Norway was one of the safest and prosperous countries in the world.
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