"Landep News"
Ander Behring Breivik
At least seven people were killed on Friday in the bombing in the capital, at a building where even the PM was working, and more than 80 died on the island, where the same assailant killed them while wearing a police uniform and pretending to defend the people gathered at the summer school. The final death toll of both the crimes is of 93.
The judges decided on Monday that based on the testimonies Breivik made, and the evidence collected by the police there was substantial ground for accusing him of “intent of terror.”
During his plea, Breivik maintained that his crimes were necessary, and mentioned the existence of two more cells in the organization. He will not be allowed any visitor during staying in prison and will be held in total isolation for at least four weeks.
He was not allowed to wear the uniform in court as he requested, and was taken back to prison as soon as the hearing in court was over. According to British Telegraph, Breivik’s father said he should have killed himself after committing such and act.
A common memorial service was held on Monday for all the victims of the attacks on Friday, with the Prime Minister of the country Jens Stoltenberg attending.
The PM said that this moment was a moment of soul searching for the nation and that it would not change the multicultural stance of the Norwegian society, nor will it change its policy towards immigration, as many had feared after the terrifying blast and gun rampage.
Stoltenberg said that Norwegian response to this would be “more democracy, more openness, and more humanity. But never naivite.”
Memoria Service
It is believed that these attacks are domestic in nature, and are more of a Norwegian Oklahoma, that a Norwegian 9/11.
Before the attacks, Ander Behring Breivik had published on the internet under the pseudonym Andrew Berwick a 1,500 manifesto in which he spoke out against political correctness, “cultural Marxism,” Islam, feminism and multiculturalism in Europe.
Fear and a special warning against the rise of Islam can be read in this manifesto, where, at a point, he states his conviction that cultural and religious competition within the boundaries of one country can only weaken that country.
There are surveys that show that at the current rate of natality combined with the current rate of Islamic immigration to Norway the Norwegians will be a minority in their own country in no more than 30 years.
Norway is a country where the sense of safety runs deep in society from the people to the monarchs of the country, who often can be seen walking among their people. Many believe that what happened last weekend will have a serious impact on that sense of safety.
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