The last lunar eclipse

--> "Landep News" The last lunar eclipse I saw was six months ago in San Diego. It was early morning, the day we were to begin our walk through the desert on the PCT. Flash and I were only hiking 110 miles but the rest were beginning their Canada bid. The sight of the moon disappearing seemed like an omen of something big. Now, the people who started on the same day as we did are finishing, congratulations!

It turns out I had a whole canyon to myself. This is one of my favorite places, so big and wild and empty.  I don't tell many people to go here, and the steep uphill hike weeds them out anyway.

I saw J coming down from Sky Lake as I was going up. She was solo too. Which got me thinking. There's been a rash of books/accomplishments about long distance hiking, written by women who are using the trail to heal from something. Me? I just like to hike. I don't expect the trail to do anything for me.

Sky Lake--the perfect place to watch an eclipse
I couldn't resist day hiking up on the pass. Nobody in sight.

In the past, I believe I've been too personal on this blog, which resulted in people who don't know me making assumptions that really did not mirror who I am. I've backed off from sharing too much, but I can say with confidence that the wilderness, while a healing place, is not where I go to fix myself. It's where I go to be disconnected, to hear absolute quiet, to be away from people staring at screens, and to get a good workout. Wilderness lets you take a good long look at yourself and see what needs to be fixed--but it can't fix you.

I crawled in my tent after gnawing on a bagel. The eclipse, over pale mountains, was outstanding. I couldn't get good pictures with my point and shoot, but that's not really the point. I don't need to post it somewhere to remember.

Thank's for link:

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