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Crackdown in Syria
The presidential statement was heavily criticized by the human rights activists, who said that the crimes committed by al-Assad’s regime deserve a more vocal criticism, and action to make them stop.
The talks at the security council come after countries in the Arab world have condemned the violence against civilians in Syria.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrian, the Arab League, the Gulf countries group and Turkey have demanded the president of Syria to put an end to the crackdown. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain went as far as to call ambassadors for consultations.
Turkey, Brazil an South Africa sent delegations to talk Bashar al-Assad out of genocide, but his response to all of them was that it was his presidential duty toward the people of Syria to press on until the “outlaws” and the “terrorist group” were silenced.
Al-Assad continues to hide behind the thin lie of a conspiracy being directed by Americans and the Zionists against his rule, in spite of the demonstration made by American ambassador to Damascus, who visited Hama, the center of Syrian protests, and upon coming back told the reporters that there was no thief or thug or terrorist in the streets of Hama but only people demanding their rights.
The United Nations Security Council convenes after even U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon held a round of talks with al-Assad in Damascus last weekend, and demanding him to put an end to violence.
Crackdown in Syria
Dmitry Rogozin, Russian ambassador by the United Nations said that a plan to invade Syria is being under way, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey cannot remain indifferent to the suffering of the people in the neighboring country.
In some sort of change of heart, probably resulted after the visit of Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish foreign minister, to Damascus, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister, said on Wednesday that Syrian president is expected to end the terror on his people in about 10-15 days. Erdogan expressed satisfaction that the troops are leaving the city of Hama, where the unrest seems to have been crushed, while the Turkish ambassador to Damascus attributed the leaving of the city by the tanks to Turkish pressure.
The Turkish PM also said that the president of Syria would take steps toward reform, showing that, unlike the Western leaders, he still thinks al-Assad can continue as president of the country, after having killed more than 2,000 people.
On Wednesday, the regime of al-Assad continued its military crackdown on the demonstrators, leaving 35 people dead in one of the bloodies days since the unrest began.
Al-Assad seems pressed to met the deadline announced by Erdogan, and is taking advantage of the month of Ramadan, when people fast until sundown, and of the international economic crisis that keeps great powers occupied with their own problems.
One of the puzzles about what is going on is Syria is the fact that the military hierarchy, unlike their counterparts in Libya, who refused to fire on people, continues to be faithful to the president, involving military in such a bloody action against the people it was sworn to protect.
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