"Landep News"
Incandescent Bulb
Republicans aren’t satisfied with the federal regulation regarding the replacement of the incandescent bulb with efficient lamps. Therefore, they want a state law to protect them from the change.
Texas is already seeking a way to avoid having to comply with the federal law that requires the replacement of old-fashioned bulbs with more efficient lamps. This attempt is a great opportunity for the Republicans who want to strike down the excessive federal regulations.
With the help of a measure signed by Republican Governor Rick Perry, Texas hopes to avoid this absurd law. Rick Perry declared that the incandescent bulbs made and sold only for people who live in Texas aren’t the subject of interstate commerce and therefore the federal law doesn’t apply. Another Republican, George Lavender said that many people are tired of the federal government’s desire “to micromanage” their lives.
Those who are against this federal law hope that Texas’s action will force the Congress to repeal the incandescent bulb rule. They also hope that many other American states will follow this state’s example. Monday, the Texan official, Joe L. Barton, is expected to visit the White House and try to repeal this regulation. South Carolina and Pennsylvania support Texas.
In 2007, lawmakers decided that the old incandescent bulbs must be replaced in three years (starting with January 1, 2008) with fluorescent lights. Those who were pro-law said that the main advantage is that incandescent bulbs are cheaper (around $1.0) and more efficient. One of the newest models has the filament surrounded with a halogen capsule and uses only few watts. This argument wasn’t enough to convince the opposition.
Lavender said that people should have the opportunity to choose the type of light bulb they want to buy. Republican Joe L. Barton, who will lead the repeal effort on Monday, declared that this federal law is “about more than just energy consumption”. In fact this law influences personal freedom.
The people who support this new regulation don’t understand all the fuss, because, in their opinion, fluorescent lights have only advantages: reduce energy consumption and save money. The Appliance Standards Awareness Project, a promoter of energy efficiency, said that on average the money saved per household, per year will reach $85.
Some of the supporters of this regulation said that the Texas law will have problems “withstanding a court challenge”. On the other hand, those who are against the federal law said that this spiral fluorescent lights are expensive, manufactured in China, sources of mercury and won’t deliver better efficiency than the old incandescent bulbs.
Truth be told, this federal law affects every household in the USA, so I think that our opinions as consumers matter the most. Do you agree with this federal regulation?
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