"Landep News"
The Indonesian forest utilization is so problematic that even the Indonesian Forest Concessionaires Association (APHI) has also feeling the pinch. This is mentioned by the APHI vice president Salahudin Sampetoding in Jakarta.
The concessionaires feel that the current regulation does not allow for legal certainties for investors.
“I fully support the step taken by the Minister of Forestry which could serve as a warning to all local Government throughout Indonesia. However, I’m pessimistic that those local Governments are willing to admit or at least report forest area violations” say Salahudin.
From 398 members of APHI, around 50% of them have become victims of land encroachment. The regulations allow the overlapping of forestry, plantation and mining at the same area.
Salahudin urges miners and plantations association to sit down together with APHI and device a better strategy for land divisions.
Problematic Forest
“Let’s sit down together and discuss this forest utilizations problem” says Salahudin.
The forestry minister Zulkifli Hasan has just recently established a task force to enforce forestry regulation and to stop forest encroachment as well as prioritizing replanting of those forests.
Greenomics Indonesia an NGO that tracks forest utilization says that from the 68 million hectare of forest, there are at least 26 million hectares that are overlapping, especially in Sumatera and Kalimantan.
Meanwhile the Executive Director of Indonesian Palm Oil Association says that the overlapping problem is so complex that more Government initiatives are required and not just lines on the map.
“This lines must have legitimacy on the ground which at the moment is not happening because the current regulations creates disharmonies (rather than certainty)” he said
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