"Landep News"
Six mining companies in South and East Kalimantan that was issued an administrative penalties for environmental damage will be evaluated again, said Deputy Ministry for Environmental Monitoring Sudaryono.
Sudaryono said that on the Mafia Eradication Coordination Seminar and the Law in South Kalimantan Province, on Tuesday.
According to him, an unannounced visits by the Ministry of Environment to several locations in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan discovers several violations committed by five companies in South Kalimantan and one co-op company in East Kalimantan.
According to him, an unannounced visits by the Ministry of Environment to several locations in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan discovers several violations committed by five companies in South Kalimantan and one co-op company in East Kalimantan.
The six companies are adalah PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Kadia Cakramulya, PT Antang Gunung Meratus, PT Autum Beringin Energi, PT Mitra Abadi Bersama and PT Natria Surya.
The six companies has been issued an administrative sanction requiring them to remedy and improve their environmental management efforts within 6 months from April 2010.
The six companies has been issued an administrative sanction requiring them to remedy and improve their environmental management efforts within 6 months from April 2010.
One of Coal Mining in Kalimantan
“We are now reached the specified time limit, and will soon evaluate the result, whether the company has carried out the sanction as ordered” he said.
If the administrative sanctions are not carried out, under the provisions of environmental legislation on administrative sanctions (article 76 to 83), says that if the written warning is not implemented then the government can continued with force action, permit suspension or even revocation of the license.
Chairman of the South Kalimantan High Court Marni Emmy Mustafa said the various problems of mining in South Kalimantan which is quite prominent is the overlaping between the rights of land and mining rights.
In addition, there are also a lot of inaccuracy when determine the limits of mining areas and forest areas. Emmy said that judges need to do site inspection when dealing with problematic mining.
Other problems that lead to environmental damage are illegal mining and illegal logging that does not comply with the Mining Business License (SIUP), reclamation not carried out in accordance with the agreement, as well as violations of the license.
The last problem when dealing with problematic mining is the difficulty finding expert witnesses. Until now there is no clear criteria as to who is qualified as an expert witness in mining industry.
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