"Landep News"
A Netherlands shipping company, Damen Shipyards Gorinchem (DSG), exploring investment possibilities in to built a shipyard Pulau Weh, Sabang, Aceh Province.
DSG Asia Pacific Marketing Manager, Maarten Jongen, in Sabang, on Wednesday, said that they would study whether Pulau Weh area is feasible for building a shipyard.
“We do need time to investigate whether the Sabang area is suitable for a shipyard. We cannot decide before the feasibility study is completed,” he said.
Weh Island at the Tip of Sumatra Island
During the visit to Sabang, DSG representatives was accompanied by Governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf, Chairman of the Sabang Zone Concession Board (BPKS), Ruslan Abdul Ghani, and the mayor of Sabang, Munawar Liza Zein.
Maarten Jongen explained that his company has established a good cooperation with the Indonesian Government. One of them is with PT PAL in Surabaya, East Java, making four Navy warships the KRI Diponegoro, KRI Hasanuddin, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda and KRI Kaisabu.
Chairman of the Board of Sabang Zone Trustees and Assistance, Adnan Ganto, explaining that though they do need a shipyard in Sabang, they don’t intend to make war ship but only commercial vessels.
Sabang, he said, has a good potential for investment in maritime areas, including commercial shipbuilding industry because Pulau Weh is strategically located in the middle of international waters.
Ganto Adnan, who is also advisor to the Ministry of Defence in the Field of Economics, explained that the DSG was chosen to build the commercial shipping industry in Sabang was because the company is very experienced.
“I think the government is very satisfied with the company’s results of making those warships,” he said.
Adnan explained that in a meeting between the president of Damen with Minister of State Owned Enterprise some time ago in Jakarta, DSG management expresses his intention to expand the company’s Asia region.”So I tried to get DSG to see the potential in Sabang which could allows the company to open its branch in Pulau Weh,” he said.
Adnan Ganto explained that the results of his meeting with leaders of the Dutch company Damen make the company’s management decided to review the Sabang.
” Maarten Jongen visit today to Sabang is the follow-up from the previous meeting. I hope it will continue until the presence of the shipping industry in Sabang is realized,” he added.
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