"Landep News"
This is the fifth such post we have written since ATP began (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009). The words and symbolism of these posts are the same each year. But even behind the same old words, the sentiment is renewed and refreshed each Eid. And so it is this year too.
Once again, our thoughts on this Eid are on the ‘tough times’ that we are living through. On the symbolism of unity and brotherhood that this day is meant to evoke, and to the reality of divisions and differences surrounding us that this symbolism serves to highlight. Each year we have wished that next year would be different. That next year the joy that Eid is meant to embody will be mirrored in peace and stability around us, that the unity and brotherhood that Hajj is meant to symbolize will be a reality in the communities we are part of.
This year is no different. This year we pray for the same.
This year, we also pray that we all be spared of our own cynicism. Of our own negativity. Of our own self-doubt. Of our own disbelief. Of our own bitterness. Of our own anger. Of our own sarcasm. Of our own venom that we seem to inflict on ourselves with such relish, and with such frequency.
Hajj Mubarak and a happy Eid to all of our readers.
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