"Landep News"
The former president of USA George W Bush who was not considered to be one of the brightest has released his memoir. There are a lot of questions from foreign countries, who do not follow the US politics which ultimately droves many of his decisions, especially on this side of the world, which may be answered by this book.
The book titled “Decision Point” is available via Amazon for less than USD 20 and currently number 1 bestseller in book category.
One of the most controversial questions mostly in Moslem country such as Indonesia regarding Bush decision, was the reason for invading Iraq. Though the reason changes every time, the original one was to get and destroy the weapon of mass destruction. At the end the said weapon was never found and then the US change the reason to helping Iraq people from its dictator. This is the same people that dies by millions for the very action. Still Americans everywhere thinks that they were doing good deeds.
George W Bush - Predictable
In his book, true to his nation, Bush though admitted that he felt sicken that the weapons didn’t exist, he believes that “the world is better off without Saddam Hussein in power”, which ironically can also be said about him.
The other question which also controversial is whether he allowed torture to be done to the war prisoners. The answer to this was pretty obvious since it was being done many times, many people just could not believe that the leader of the beacon of democracy and hope would lower his level down to petty revenge and shortcuts. Again, on this one Bush admitted he did approved it and “would make the same decision again to save lives”.
Surprisingly, the lowest point in his life according to this book were not when he made New Orleans Katrina Hurricane disaster relief looks like disaster relief done in Indonesia or any other third world countries, not when his wrong decisions caused the death of millions Iraqis, nor for allowing torture to be used or even holding people indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay because the US classified those prisoners as not protected under Geneva Convention, none of those, his lowest point in life according to the book is when the pop singer Kanye West out of his frustration says that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”
The rest of the book are just some trivial stuff like his drinking habit, his invitation of Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia that involves a magical turkey, and how at the 2004 presidential election he was going to pick US Senator Bill Frist instead of Dick Cheney as his Vice President.
george bush is funny video BLOOPERS! youtube.com |
George W Bush - American Idiot youtube.com |
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