Senator of Arizona John McCain

"Landep News"
Sen. John McCain Visits Libyan Rebel Rebel Government in Benghazi
John McCain in Benghazi (
Senator of Arizona John McCain, former contender in the presidential election in 2008, arrived in Benghazi, Libya, on Friday in an attempt to talk to the rebel troops that fight the regime of Muammar al Qaddafi.
His arrival comes soon after the decision made by president Obama to deploy Predator drones in the region as a means to contain the situation in the field that is changing in favor of the pro-regime forces in spite of the attacks executed by the coalition of the willing led by France.
The first two drones were deployed yesterday but their action had to be cut shorter because of the weather conditions.
Sen. John McCain Visits Libyan Rebel Rebel Government in Benghazi
Muammar al Qaddafi (
McCain praised the courage of the rebels and called him his “heroes,” while assessing the situation with the members of Transitional National Council, the rebel government in Benghazi that controls the eastern side of Libya.
Speaking in Baghdad, Iraq, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the bombings executed by the American and European forces have crippled Qaddafi’s capacities down to 40 percent, and that in the end the ditator will have to go.
Mullen also said that the USA is searching for al-Qaeda involvement in the rebel government in Benghazi but that none was found yet.
At a certain point, Qaddafi had said that the terrorist organization was behind the attacks on his regime.
Robert Gates, US Defense Secretary, maintained that even though the US sent drones to Libya, this doesn’t mean that the country is seeking a deeper involvement in this conflict.
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