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Netanyahu Speaking at the AIPAC
Netanyahu said that his country feared that Iranian nuclear program could have a military component, and that this could bring into question the very right of existence for the state of Israel. Therefore, he added that he had waited for the international sanctions to work, but that he could not wait much longer, because it could be too late to take action if he waited too much.
Netanyahu made these allegations after a meeting with president Barack Obama, who reassured him that all the options were on the table and that America had the security of Israel in mind, and would stand by the Jewish state on that matter.
However, the American president did not specify what “red lines” Iran would have to cross in order to trigger the military response. More than that, the president Obama warned that the exaggerated use of the attack threat talk could only benefit Tehran, because it raises the price of oil, and consequently offers Iran more money to fuel its nuclear goals.
The prime minister of Israel said at the AIPAC, in front of 13,000 delegates, that he agreed that all options were on the table, but that allowing Iran to make a nuclear bomb was not an option.
The United States intelligence has argued that although Iran had the technology to make a bomb, it had not made the decision yet, while Israel said that the mere fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency discovered a nuclear weapon computer simulation was enough to speak of the Iranian mind on the matter.
During the meeting at the White House, the American president said that both him and Netanyahu wanted a diplomatic solution of the Iranian crisis but that they were considering all options. He added that both sides understood the costs of a war with Iran.
Netanyahu made it clear that he wanted Israel to remain the “master of its own fate” and that those who sought the destruction of Israel could not be allowed to acquire the means to do it.
The relations between Netanyahu and Obama are said to be cold and undermined by mutual distrust regarding the Iran case, each part considering that the other is working behind their back to convince the people of their view.
Thus, Netanyahu is said by the Israeli media to be concerned with Obama’s attempt to convince Israelis not to endorse an attack on Iran, while Obama believes the Israeli leader is using the Israeli lobby to pressure America into agreeing with an attack on Iran.
Even so, the Israeli analysts believe that Obama was very friendly to Israel and that his reassurances during the visit of the Israeli delegation to Washington were the best that could have been hoped for in an election year.
It is believed that the failure of the sanctions to produce any serious change in the progress of the nuclear program of Iran would force Israel to take the risk of attempting a pre-emptive strike without the help of the Americans.
American military has warned Israel that an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would only slow down the process, and that Iran would continue it. Besides, an attack could fail, considering that Iran may have plants no one knows about, or has some of them buried deep inside mountains, which makes them unreachable.
The retaliation of Iran and its allies is an issue that also must be considered, since the Islamic country has already threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz and could order Hezbollah or Hamas to execute terror attacks against Israel.
Israel has not yet set a date for its possible attack, but it is believe that it could happen sometime during spring, because the Israeli military considers that otherwise it could become too late to do it.
Their concern is fueled by the latest report of the IAEA chief, Yukiya Amano, who said on Monday in Vienna, that his agency could not conclude that all the nuclear facilities in Iran served peaceful purposes.
The IAEA chief voiced a “serious concern” about the program, following the inspections in January and February, when the delegation was not allow to visit the Parchin plant.
On Tuesday, Iran explained that Parchin was a military facility and visiting it was a time consuming process, but agreed to allow the inspectors in.
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