"Landep News"
Barack and Michelle Obama At Fort Bragg
When Obama took office, there were almost 150,000 troops in Iraq, and now there are no more than 8,000, most of them military advisors. From 505 military bases that were operational during the war, there are no more than 5 still opened.
By the end of the month, there will be no more than an American embassy, and military personnel and military advisors.
Obama said that everybody knew this day would come, but that actually living the moment was something profound after a war that lasted so long. As the American troops are leaving Iraq, Obama adds, they leave behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant state, although it is not a “perfect place.”
Barack and Michelle Obama are hosting a series of events that highlight the event of ending the war in Iraq. One of the events is receiving the Iraqi prime minister at the White House. Obama said that the return of the troops reminded that there was nothing the Americans did if they stuck together.
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