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Perfect World (mmohut.com)
So why do we keep searching for the things that make us feel in a different way and give us the opportunity of finding something that we might really need?
Maybe the answer is within us and we just have to focus on what we want the most in order to have it. The perfect things and the perfect world might not exist but it’s our duty to try harder and really want a change for the best.
When we think about the perfect world we like to see how the things that we imagine come to life and we can take full advantage of them. Even if we choose alternative ways to escape the harsh reality in which we were born, we usually try to find something that we like to do, that is only ours and that is different from what the other people want.
It’s all about choices. Each day we have to make choices about many things and at some point we get tired of choosing between the childish things that the life brings to us. It’s not easy to seize the perfect opportunity and find something that really suits our needs and makes us feel good about ourselves.
We try to find the perfect things in the games that we play. There are aspects of the game that make us choose a certain entertainment factor and see it as our perfect thing in the whole game. We have expectation from the games that claim to have success in the online world. We want them to be perfect in graphic, story line, character building and quests.
In the game Perfect World we can be perfect heroes. We can choose from the many classes that the game has and make a perfect character for us.
We have the Archer class where the characters are able to damage their opponent at a long range combat. They also have critical hits with which they do a lot of damage but they have the disadvantage of not being able to have big hit points and combat abilities.
Another class we encounter is the Assassin class. These characters are specialized in dealing with a high level of damage, and they can strike repeatedly their opponent in combat. They also have a high DPS (Damage per second).Although they are deadly; they have a low physical defense in combats.
Perfect World (mmohut.com)
The Blademasters are characters that have great power and have access to a large palette of skills in the game which makes them almost invincible. They also have skills that stun the opponent but they are weak in magic defense.
The Clerics learn healing skills and they are needed in groups because they can heal almost any player and restore his life spawn. The defense is rather good but not as good as physical combat characters, because they don’t cause so much damage.
The Psychics cast buffs and they have access to offensive magic but they are weaker than other characters that are specialized in this field.
Venomancers are the casters in the game of Perfect World because they have pet taming abilities that they use to make the pets allies in battles. They can cast poison spells and they can be just fine by themselves, without joining groups.
Wizards are the main class that uses only spells in the game. They have high spell damage and they can do wonderful in long range combats by casting spells, but they have some low hit points.
An interesting character is the Mystic which is basically a hybrid that uses magic for defense and offense. They have access to direct damage through spells and they also cast healing spells.
The last category is the Seeker that is a powerful class which has weapons to use in combat. The weapon is a two handed blade. They also have access to nature spells in the game.
These being told, there you are your own Perfect World wrapped in an online game that has the purpose of offering the player all he needs to feel the best player ever.
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