"Landep News"
A warning was sent out by the Indonesian Maritime Meteorological regarding tidal wave as high as 1.5 to 3 meters in the Java sea waters. The wave already claimed three ships killing 2 people and 1 person is still missing. The Maritime Geophysics Station located at Tanjung Priok continues that the high wave is predicted to continue untill Sunday (26/12/10)
The station section head Cepi Jumhana say that the high waves around the Java Sea are due to the emergence of turbulence in the southern Java Sea. This vortex created wind and waves around the Java Sea. “In addition to the Java Sea, waves with a height of 1.5 meters to 3 meters also occur in other waters, such as the Natuna Sea, Sambas Waters, and Batam Waters,” he said, Saturday (25/12/2010).
High Wave Warning
The satellite imagery also shows low pressure area around Timor waters. The wind from Indonesia and the rest of equatorial area is generally blowing towards northwest to southeast and south of the equator. Winds are also blowing from southeast to northwest direction with a speed of about 3 to 25 knots.
There are three boats that sank this month alone due to the high waves. Jakarta Coast Guard Law Enforcement Section Commissioner Eddie Adjunct Guritno said, on 4 December, Jakarta Coast Guard rescue three crew and five passengers from Sea Gull ship in the waters of Tanjung Kerawang, Bekasi.
Furthermore, on Friday (17/12/2010) around 5.00 pm Indonesian time, Indah ship also drowned in the waters about a mile from Ancol Beach. The Thousand Islands High Commissioner Hero Hendirato Bachtiar said, a fisherman named Amir (33) residents were rescued, but one other fisherman, Toyo (55) lost and has not been found.
Finally, on Tuesday (21/12/2010) yesterday, Aquarius ship carrying five crews also rolled the waves and drowned. Three-meter-high wave hit the Aquarius in waters about 3.2 kilometers outside the door of the dam into the Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta.
“Three crews survived and two others were killed. The body of one victim Riyanto Manahan (25) was found on Thursday (12/23/2010) and the body of the other crew named Endi (50) was found on Friday (24/12/2010) at Muara Gembong , Bekasi, “added Jakarta Coast Guard Police Adjunct Commissioner Edion.
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