project “Earth From Above”

"Landep News"

No, this isn’t a screenshot from the latest SimCity computer game or from the Facebook Farmville. These circular structures form a little community located in the suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark. The city has a multitude of districts, each representing its time and with its own distinctive character, making up a dense urban fabric. The photos are part of the project “Earth From Above” which is a result of five-year airborne odyssey across six continents of the local photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

Earth From Above” is a spectacular presentation of large scale photographs of astonishing natural landscapes. These houses are called “Kolonihavehuse”. They are small houses, about 30-40 m², with a garden which usually have a living room, bathroom and a small kitchen. Each building has to stand on its own cultivable allotment; hence the long narrow plots. According to the Danish Wikipedia the landscape architect who came up with the idea of round allotments wanted them to look like old round villages with a well in the middle where people could meet and exchange gossips. Other distinctive features of Copenhagen include the abundance of water, the many parks, and the bicycle paths that line most streets.
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