Paris Wi-Fi Pass

"Landep News"

Paris Wi-Fi Pass: Find your spot

An important issue when traveling, even if you are just doing tourism, is the availability of internet. Many hotels and hostels in Paris provide internet access to guests, but in most cases this service is not given for free. From now on, however, the city of Paris offers a new option for its residents and visitors: the Paris Wi-Fi Pass.
The Paris Wi-Fi Pass is a new service offered by the City of Paris and the Ile-de-France region, which provides access to wireless broadband internet. Open for everyone, both Parisians and tourists, the Wi-Fi operates in 260 municipal sites in Paris, which are equipped with access terminals.
Thus, it is now possible to surf the Internet while strolling through the parks and gardens of Paris, and when visiting local municipalities, libraries and municipal museums. The service operates during the opening hours of the mentioned points of interest in Paris.
Use this Wi-Fi service in Paris is also very simple. Once you are there with your laptop, iPhone or any other mobile service with a web browser enabled, all you need do is connect to the Orange network and choose the option that says “Paris Wi-Fi 2hrs.” A large number of possibilities are offered: the access to the internet can be a way to leverage the many interactive sites of the Municipality of Paris, or to make a makeshift cultural visit while on the road.
This and any other information you need, and the different places and services in Paris, are now at your fingertips. For more information visit:
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