ARC To Revive Faith In Food

"Landep News"
ARC works with major religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism to develop environmental programs. Now they look at food.
It might have something to with the fact that it’s almost Eid al-Adha, where halal slaughter is carried out en masse, but it feels like everywhere I look halal is getting a hard time in the press. First, the iconic Campbell’s soup was targeted for a boycott after introducing halal labelling and then the Australian government refuses to send their cattle to Egypt for the Eid sacrifice.
Although it turned out that the Campbell boycott was entirely orchestrated by right-wing Islamaphobes, there is more substance to the Australian government’s move which was based on serious concerns about the way the animals were treated. An expose released by the animal rights organisation Animals Australia, documented the cruel handling and slaughter of the animals who were also forced to travel long distances in harsh conditions to reach Egypt.
With this in mind, you’ll understand how happy I was to hear about the Alliance of Religions and Conservation’s (ARC)  latest project ‘Faith in Food’ which aims to inspire faith communities to adopt fairer, healthier and more sustainable ways to produce, purchase and consume food.

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