Chemical Weapons

"Landep News"
NTC Finds Chemical Weapons in Libya
Chemical Weapons
Libyan National Transitional Council on Wednesday announced that a large quantity of chemical weapons was discovered and secured. NTC did not say where the weapons were found nor to whom they would be handed over, but announced that they will be under guard and handed over. The United Nations is expected to help NTC take control and guard the chemical and biological weapons found on the territory of the north African country.
UN’s envoy to Libya said that the quantity of weapons is impressive, that the money of Libya was spent on them, and that they were only benefiting arms suppliers, alluding that the former Libyan leader’s demise started a race for his weapons, which have already been smuggled on the black market.
The UN envoy added that while NTC had control over the sites where such weapons were being stored, there is a possibility that additional sites with such weapons to exist on the Libyan soil.
Libya is said to have accumulated a large stockpile of shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles, about 20,000, the largest in a non-producing country, and this will be the subject of a resolution Russia will present on UN Security Council’s floor on Thursday.
UN representative says that thousands of these weapons were destroyed during the attacks of NATO aviation, but the remaining ones which are not under governmental control could be stolen and sold on the black market, placing at risk the security of the countries in the area.
The reports issued to the media do not explain how come Qaddafi never used such weapons neither against his people during the crackdown, as Saddam did back in the 1980s, when he killed an entire city population with them, nor against the rebel forces, when he was on the run. With a means to propel them by shoulder-launcher this would have been to be expected of a leader who was said to have died because of his heinous ways.
It comes as a surprise that this was not a charge against him to be brought by the Western countries and be part of the resolution 1973, which condemned his crackdown and demanded that a no-fly zone be instituted on Libya’s territory.
NATO is expected to end its mission in Libya by October 31, and a vote on that is to be cast on Thursday at the UN Security Council, which will put an end to the mandate of the Western military bloc, in spite of the insistence of the leaders of the freed Libya for NATO to stay at least another month.
Meanwhile, the son of the former leader, Seif al-Islam, seen by many as the heir apparent of the dictator, who is believed to have left Libya with $10 million and access to other sources of money announced that he may surrender to the International Criminal Court, where he is expected to answer for the crimes he is accused of.
Muammar al-Qaddafi died last Thursday during, or better said after, the attack on his hometown Sirte. His demise came as a surprise for everybody and was shocking by the brutality that surrounded it.
There were images that showed him alive into the hands of the revolutionaries and then dead, which compelled the UN human rights agencies to demand an investigation.
The NTC investigation stated that he had died of wounds in the head and chest, though initial reports were speaking about him being shot in the legs, or killed by the air strikes or even by him being captured alive by some guy who boasted that the former president had begged him not to shoot him.
The entire demeaning ritual went on for a few days, in which the burial ritual of the Muslim faith has been broken for the sake of exacting post humus retribution as his corpse was exposed for days in the city of Misrata, until it decayed, for the people to come and gaze upon it.
Muslim burial ritual demands that the body of the deceased be buried within 24 hours after the death. The authorities motivated the delay by the investigation into his death.
Muammar al-Qaddafi was buried, along with his secrets, one of which is this discovery of chemical and biological weapons, in a secret location in the desert on Monday.
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