DORMIR (To sleep) et ÉVEIL (Awakening)

"Landep News"
We continue with the second part of the newly introduced series of “French Maximum-Vocab“, which will be from now on your best online resource to boost the scope of your vocabulaire français, both formal and informal!
cliquez ici (click here)
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“The true criteria to be a good French: If it doesn’t take you two hours to eat, nine hours to sleep per night, we won’t be able to keep you!”— “Sangatte” (spelled wihout an “e” here) is an old refugee camp in North of France which used to receive asylum-seekers from all over the world. It was dubbed “Sans-gate” (“Without Gate”), and has now completely shut off its doors.

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Whether you are a débutant (beginner) or un pro in French, you will always need to build up a better vocabulaire.
That’s why we’re kickstarting this exclusive series of lessons called “French Maximum-Vocab“, with the simple but effective premise of giving you a lot of useful vocabulaire, French words and expressions, all related to one central topic or concept.
And of course, if you have some words, expressions, or topics that you want to suggest and share with everyone, n’hésitez surtout pas (don’t hesitate at all)!
Today’s topic, it’s DORMIR (to Sleep)—Part Deux.
For Part 1, cliquez ici (click here).

“Grasse matinée” (“Sleeping in”): A remarkable French short animation about the life of a “not-so-busy-bee” hanging out in the Vaucluse (in the Southeastern region of France)
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Alternatives to sleeping in one’s chambre à coucher (bedroom), especially in a nice summer night, is dormir à la belle étoile (to sleep under the stars.)
And if you’re the “hibernating” type, then you definitely enjoy very much what the French call “faire une grasse matinée (“sleeping in”, that is.)

The daughter of feu “Carlos”, aka “the French Bud Spencer”, singing a whole song to complain about le ronflement (snoring) of her Papa !
But sometimes, a quick sieste (a nap, or a “catnap”) can do the trick just fine.
petite sieste can also save your life if you have a long drive ahead of you, to help you against the deadly risk of s’endormir au volant (to sleep in the wheel.)
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Finally, we can’t finish a post about the subject of”dormir” without mentioning the famous or “symbolic” figures related to it:

Can you   read “Le marchand de sable“(“Sandman”)?
* A few days ago, we identified the personnage (character) famous for making little kids fall asleep, ”le marchand de sable” (“the Sandman“), through the works of Freud and E.T.F. Hoffmann, as the main “culprit” behind the so-called “French malaise. The never-ending phenomenon of “mass strikes” is one of the many social symptoms reflecting such a malaise (See “La Matrice vous souhaite “Bonne nuit les petits” (The Matrix Wishes You “Good Night Kids”)—Or How the Mass Strikes reflect the French Malaise!“)
* Falling prey to the evil power of a sorcière (witch) who obviously belongs to the same “dirty business department” as le marchand de sable, la belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty) is a “fairy tale” made famous by a Frenchman, Charles Perrault, at the end of the Seventeenth Century. He is also known for “Cendrillon” (“Cinderella”) and “Peau d’Âne (“Donkeyskin.”)

Ne pas “dormir” (Not to “sleep”): Le troisième œil (the third eye) and l’Éveil (Awakening) according to Buddha

* Finally, someone whose spiritual function is at lopposé diamétral (the diamteric opposite) of the marchand de sable’s. His name in Sanskrit means “The Awakened.”
Instead of casting you into a deep “sleep”, which is more the Sandman’s job, Buddha’s function is to lead you up to le chemin de l’Éveil (the Awakening path), afin d’ouvrir grand vos yeux (to open up wide your eyes)—Tous les trois (all three of them)!

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