Chollywood Box Office Receipts Expand $75 million in 2006

"Landep News"
Chollywood saw a 600 million yuan ($75 million) growth in box office receipts this year over last year.
Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and company probably made that much money last year.
Still, Chollywood is growing. More cinemas are being built. More large budget (by Chinese standards) are being made.
And, of course, more Chinese can afford to go to the movies.chollywood.jpg
The difference between Chollywood and Hollywood, however, is that moviegoers on both sides of the pond want to see Hollywood flicks, whereas, only Chinese will watch Chinese movies.
Chinese moviemakere have stories to tell, great acting and special effects.  But, the producers will be hard pressed to get English speakers to want to 'read' their movies.
Chinese don't mind reading subscript or watching dubbed movies. Americans, for good or for bad, do NOT want to watch a dubbed movie…Passion of the Christ was an exception.
If Chollywood would really like to make some money, they need to find a way to appeal to people with the bucks…the Americans…

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